Just replace “+1 day” with what ever you need to add. ex “+1 year, +1 day” etc. Have fun. $date = date(“Y-m-d”,strtotime(“+1 day”));
To add a user account, use the following syntax, and follow the prompts to give the account a password and identifiable characteristics such as a full name, phone number, etc. sudo adduser username To delete a user account and its primary group, use the following syntax: sudo deluser username Deleting an account does not remove […]
I’ve nicely written PHP script that I’d like to run as a cron job. I’m using CentOS 4.5 as server with Apache web server. How do I setup a PHP script as a cron job? You need to setup execute permission on a php script. You need to use chmod command to change file access […]
If you’re having problems with using PHP $_COOKIES with Safari, Opera, iPad, iPod, iPhone, ibla bla or any Apple product. Please put the gun down. Queue the Hallelujah Chorus… [wpaudio url=”http://www.hallelujah-chorus.com/audio/10277-m-001.mp3″ text=”I just fixed something” dl=”0″] Below will not work on all browsers setcookie(‘nertusername’, $nertusername, time()+60*60*24*365, ‘www.test.com’); setcookie(‘nertpassword’, md5($nertpassword), time()+60*60*24*365, ‘www.test.com’); This will work on […]
Sometimes a developer has to get their titles from crazy sources that aren’t always capitalized correctly. Nobody wants to change all these titles every time they show up to make the right words capitalized, so here’s a little PHP function that corrects them all for you: function ucTitle($title){ $title = ucwords($title); $title = str_replace(‘ A ‘, […]