Tag: instructions

PHP Functions

How to Sort an Array with PHP

Create the function sortArray() public function sortArray(&$array, $subkey=”id”, $sort_ascending=true) { if (count($array)) $temp_array[key($array)] = array_shift($array); foreach($array as $key => $val){ $offset = 0; $found = false; foreach($temp_array as $tmp_key => $tmp_val) { if(!$found and strtolower($val[$subkey]) > strtolower($tmp_val[$subkey])) { $temp_array = array_merge( (array)array_slice($temp_array,0,$offset), array($key => $val), array_slice($temp_array,$offset) ); $found = true; } $offset++; } if(!$found) $temp_array […]

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